Hello reading friends! Welcome to Reading with Jessica! I’m excited to begin this journey and do hope that you’ll read right along with me. Or, if you’ve already read the book, that you’ll join in the conversation each week!
Here’s how it will work. Think of it like a buddy read, or a book club, only it’s right here on my blog. I’m going to blog my journey in reading different books, and I’m hoping that you’ll share your thoughts on the same chapters! You can read right along with me week to week, or you can read at your own pace and visit the blog posts as you go through the book. Whatever works best for you.
In the beginning of the month, I’ll share the book and the reading plan for that month. Then each week after that, I’ll post a reminder of what chapters I read, and then include my thoughts on those chapters. Some may be more intensive then others, just depends on the book and the pace of the story.
NOTE – THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!! Making sure to really put that out there so there are no surprises. And I’ll try to remind you with each post in case you forget. But I’m really looking to have interaction between me, and you – my faithful readers. And maybe even some new friends! So….let’s get started.
Book Announcement
I already announced this yesterday on my Instagram post, but I’ll say it here in case you missed it. This month I’ll be reading and discussing Oathbound by Victoria McCombs. Here’s more about the book:

Author Victoria McCombs
Published by Third Day Books
on February 8, 2022
Genres: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Action & Adventure / Pirates, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Epic, YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Romance
Pages: 339
AmazonBeware the waters. The dangerous deep brings ruin to all. Emme has spent her life avoiding anything to do with pirates. But the fates are cruel, and now a hidden sickness leads her to partner with pirates for the one thing that can save her-a cure on an island none are certain exists. The pirate captain's secrets are darker than the deep and threaten to kill them all. His obligations are tinged with betrayal, for his oathbind must be fulfilled. To ignore it is to invite peril of unimaginable destruction. As the adventure unfolds, the sea takes more than she expects and the sea gives more than he wants.
Reading Schedule
Week One – Chapters 1-14. Discussion on February 11th.
Week Two – Chapter 15 through the end of Chapter 27. Discussion on February 18th.
Week Three – Chapter 28 through the end of the book! Discussion on February 25th.

Will you be joining me this month? What books would you like to see me read in the coming months?