Category: Bible Talk With Jessica

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Six

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Six

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! In today’s reading we see history repeat itself (Abraham calling Sarah his sister), the angels visiting Lot (when he was willing to hand his daughters over to sinful activity to save them), the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s wife looking back (I think maybe she was mourning that […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Five

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Five

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Today we see how God is our protector. We see how longsuffering He is. We see yet another person try to place blame on someone other than themselves. We see a little bit of unbelief. And we see another example of following the Lord immediately. It amazes me that […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Four

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Four

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! There’s so much in today’s reading. The Tower of Babel, where God mixes up all the languages of the people. Abram gives up so much (his family even!) to follow the Lord. Abram and Lot begin their journey together, and then go separate ways. Lot seemingly takes the easy […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Three

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Three

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Today we read about the flood, and if you stop and really think about it, it’s a hard thing to fathom. ALL of mankind except Noah and his family perished. Wiped out. Clean slate so to speak. It is so heartbreaking to me. Think of all the opportunities they […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Two

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day Two

Welcome to Day Two of Bible Talk with Jessica! This morning as I was doing my reading, I really tried to look at the bible differently. I’ve never really tried a highlighting system, other than just verses that pop out to me. I bought some colorful bible highlighters before Christmas, and I’m going to purposefully […]

Bible Talk With Jessica Genesis 1:1-3:24

Bible Talk With Jessica Genesis 1:1-3:24

Welcome to the first day of Bible Talk with Jessica! I am so excited to start this series. I’ll be reading the bible Chronologically this year, using the CBT reading plan. You are welcome to join me and read from whatever bible version you feel comfortable with. If you’d like to print out a copy […]