Enclave Publishing Scavenger Hunt!

Posted by abakersp in Spotlights / 2 Comments

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt! Celebrate Lit is excited to partner with Enclave Publishing to feature 13 of their authors in a fun scavenger hunt. Stop by each of the blog stops to check out all the authors and their books.  Once you have collected each word, put all the words together into a sentence to enter into the giveaway for additional entries.

Most of all have fun learning about new authors and their books! Today I’m featuring Scarlet Moon by S.D. Grimm! This is stop #6, so make sure you go to all the others stops too!! They are listed below for your reference 🙂

Enclave Scavenger Hunt Banner Final

About Enclave Publishing

Enclave is the premier publisher of Christian speculative fiction. Whether it’s Christian science fiction you love, or fantasy, time travel, steampunk, alternate history, spiritual warfare, superhero, or technothriller—if it’s speculative and it comes from the Christian worldview, Enclave is the place to go. Enclave strives to get Christian speculative fiction directly into the hands of the fans who love and devour great stories.

An enclave is a group of like-minded people in a place where they are surrounded by those who are not like-minded. It is not a place to hide, instead Enclave is a place where authors and fans of Christian Fantasy and Christian Science Fiction can come together and then go out and make a difference through worlds of words. Our stories can seem strange but underneath they contain powerful expressions of Redemption, Truth, and Hope.

Destiny can pick someone else.

Evil is slipping through the cracks of its prison, and all Soleden trembles in its wake. Yet some would harness that evil to their own ends, and first among them is Idla, the sorceress queen bent on distorting the world.

Only one can stand in her way: Jayden. Upon realizing her mark as the prophesied Deliverer, Jayden conceals herself from her enemies and her Feravolk countrymen. But after the harm the Feravolk caused to her family, she s loath to rescue the not-so-innocent.

Hiding her mark was never easy, but now that Jayden knows both Queen Idla and the Feravolk are after her, hiding her gift of the Blood Moon will be impossible.

Purchase at Amazon

S. D. Grimm

S.D. Grimm’s first love in writing is young adult fantasy and science fiction, which is to be expected from someone who has been sorted into Gryffindor, who loves second breakfast, and who identifies as rebel scum. Her patronus is a red Voltron lion, her spirit animal is Toothless, and her office is anywhere she can curl up with her laptop and at least one large-sized dog. You can learn more about her novels at www.sdgrimm.com.

Social Media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s.d.grimm/

Newsletter: http://sdgrimm.com/newsletter-sign-up.html

Website: http://www.sdgrimm.com

By the Book, Stop One

Blossoms and Blessings, Stop Two

Lukewarm Tea, Stop Three

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, Stop Four

Tell Tale Book Reviews, Stop Five

A Baker’s Perspective, Stop Six

A Reader’s Brain, Stop Seven

For the Love of Literature, Stop Eight

Through the Fire Blogs, Stop Nine

Wishful Endings, Stop Ten

Vicky Sluiter, Stop Eleven

Texas Book-aholic, Stop Twelve

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, Stop Thirteen

Artistic Nobody, Stop Fourteen


Here’s my word!

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