Welcome to another month in review. It’s been forever since I’ve done one and wanted to get back in the game 🥰 I’ll be sharing what books I read and giving some updates on my regular series.
Regular Series
Bible Talk With Jessica – I paused this quite awhile ago when we had some family issues come about. I’m not sure honestly when I’ll be able to pick it back up again. I am still reading my bible, though I am currently 10 days behind in my reading. I plan to catch up and may change the frequency of how I post this. I am not ready to say goodbye to this series just yet.
Reading with Jessica – This is a weekly bookclub type post. I’ll feature one book per month, and share my thoughts chapter by chapter. I never had participation with this. It was really my try at doing a book club since there isn’t a clean reads book club in my area. I think because of the lack of participation, I’ll have to stop it. I may try something different, and may not. Still trying to figure that out (I appreciate your suggestions!).
Tip of the Week – Be on the lookout for tips coming soon!
New Releases – Every month I’ll post the new releases all in one spot, separated by genre! I hope to start this back up in August (though it won’t be on the 1st lol).
Must Get Monday – Books we must get our hands on! I did post a couple of these! Make sure you check them out.
Top Ten Tuesday – My Top Ten shared each week. While I haven’t had the time to participate in this much, I hope to soon.
First Line Friday – I can’t wait to get back into this!
Reading Challenge
I started a reading challenge for 2023 to get some of the books of my TBR list!! You can find out more information on the challenge itself here. The last time I participated in the reading challenge was March, so I had some making up to do! This month I was able to complete April and May. For April, the challenge was to read an author you’ve never read before. I decided to read the first in the Harry Potter series. Yep, that’s right, new author for me. Go ahead and gasp lol. I really enjoyed reading it! My daughter is on book five I think, so I have some catching up to do. But yeah, I can see why so many people love it.
For May I needed to read a one word title. I chose Sunburst by Susan May Warren. This has been on my shelf forever. Ok, for a year or so lol. But man oh man it was good. Like I wish I could read book three in the series, but that’ll have to wait while I play catch up.
Books I Read
I read five books this month and it was wonderful. Prior to this month, I had been really speed reading those books I had to for review purposes and felt like I wasn’t slowing down to really enjoy the stories. I purposefully changed that this month and it has been amazing! The covers to all the books I read are below. I’ll be posting reviews here on the blog very soon for some of them 🙂

That’s it for July! How was your month? Did you read as many books as you wanted? Anything different you want to see going forward? Should I try again and do another Reading with Jessica book? Share everything in the comments!
I love that you’re reading HP. Books 3 and 4 are my favorite, but I love them all!!!