Category: Must Get Monday

Must Read Monday – The Garden Girls

Must Read Monday – The Garden Girls

Welcome to Must Read Monday, where I share books that you must read! If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s already a thousand miles long, so what’s another book? 😝 Today I’m featuring a book that I am currently reading. It’s book three in the FBI: Strange Crimes Unit by Jessica R. Patch. This […]

Must Get Monday – The Love Script

Must Get Monday – The Love Script

Welcome to Must Get Monday! Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. It could be a book I want to get myself, or a book that I’ve read and just really think you need to get a copy for yourself. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s […]

Must Get Monday – The All American

Must Get Monday – The All American

Welcome to Must Get Monday! Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. It could be a book I want to get myself, or a book that I’ve read and just really think you need to get a copy for yourself. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s […]

Must Get Monday – Cold Pursuit

Must Get Monday – Cold Pursuit

Welcome to Must Get Monday! Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. It could be a book I want to get myself, or a book that I’ve read and just really think you need to get a copy for yourself. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s […]

Must Get Monday – With Every Memory

Must Get Monday – With Every Memory

Welcome to Must Get Monday! Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. It could be a book I want to get myself, or a book that I’ve read and just really think you need to get a copy for yourself. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s […]

Must Get Monday – Better Together

Must Get Monday – Better Together

Welcome to Must Get Monday! Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. It could be a book I want to get myself, or a book that I’ve read and just really think you need to get a copy for yourself. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s […]