Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish People I’d like to Meet!

Posted by abakersp in Top Ten Tuesday / 2 Comments

Hello my reader friends. Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is bookish people I’d like to meet. This is a hard one. I have been fortunate to attend a couple of reader events where I not only met a ton of amazing authors, but I met some amazing book bloggers/reviewers as well. And the ones I haven’t met? Well it’s way more than ten, and there’s no way I could narrow that list down. So I knew I needed to go in a different direction then the typical author or blogger.

I couldn’t do characters, because again I wouldn’t be able to narrow down the list. I decided to take a look in the past. The authors I read as a child, or teenager that are either deceased, or don’t really do events any more (that I know of). Authors that had an impact on my life, even if I didn’t realize it at the time.

Authors from my childhood I would like to meet

Dr. Suess – I read so many Dr. Suess books as a child (and an adult!). I would love to have had just one conversation with him – mostly to see if that’s how he talked in real life, not just in his books. Ha!

CS Lewis – Though I wasn’t a Christian as a kid, CS Lewis’ books still resonated deep inside me. I couldn’t get enough, and they were ones I reread several times.

Louisa May AlcottLittle Women is probably my favorite classic novel. Who wouldn’t love the opportunity to talk with such an amazing author!!

Wilson RawlsWhere the Red Fern Grows is the first book I ever remember making me cry. Legit tears, as a middle school student! I always wondered why the dogs….well I won’t say in case you haven’t read it!

Eric Carle – Not only did I enjoy his books as a kid, my daughter enjoyed them as well. I’ve already got copies of his books saved for future grandchildren that may come! I would just love to hear his writing process. Secret goal of mine – be a children’s illustrated book author. I just want to soak up all the tips he could give!

Margaret Wise Brown – I think my grandmother read me Goodnight Moon approximately 1,587,392 times as a young child. Then she made sure I had a special copy of it for my child, and we probably read it the same number of times. Such a simple book, and yet I remember reading it like it was yesterday.

Frances Hodgson BurnettThe Secret Garden is the first book I can remember reading dozens of times. It’s such a creative story, and I would love to hear about how it came to be.

Ann M. Martin – I’m pretty sure all teenage / pre-teen girls from my growing up era has read The Babysitter’s Club. I have read every single one, and a few of them more than once. This was my first “real” experience with reading about a character with the same name as me (Jessica). Fun fact – I’ve never watched the tv shows they made based on these books because I just know the books are better!

Paul GaldoneThe Teeny Tiny Woman is the book that started my love for books many moons ago. It is the very first book I can vividly remember my grandmother reading to me, and I can even still hear the expressions and voices she used when reading it. It’s such a fun and quirky story. And….. I still have the copy of the book that she read to me. I read it to my daughter and hope to read it to future grandchildren.

Madeleine L’EngleA Wrinkle in Time is another book that I read approximately 1 billion times. I even read it once in adulthood, though I’m thinking I need to read it again. I just love it so much! I’d love to chat with Madeleine and find out where she got the inspiration for the story from.

So what about you? Who are some bookish people you’d like to meet?

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