A Run At Love Book Review

Posted by abakersp in Contemporary, Reviews / Spotlights / 1 Comment

The past few years I have developed an interest in the Kentucky Derby. I can’t really say why, just that it all of a sudden popped up on my radar, and I found myself watching it. Yesterday I finally finished reading A Run At Love by the very talented Toni Shiloh. I am now wanting all things horse racing. I should have read it long ago, but my schedule the past couple of months has been bizarre. Better late then never right? Anyways…… if you weren’t a fan of horse racing before, you just might be now!

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About the Book

A Run At Love Book ReviewA Run at Love (Love in the Spotlight)
Author Toni Shiloh
Published by Baker Books
on May 7, 2024
Genres: Fiction / African American & Black / Christian, Fiction / Christian / Contemporary, Fiction / Christian / Romance / General
Pages: 352


As a Black woman in a field with little diversity, Piper McKinney is determined to make her mark on the horse-racing world. Raised on a Thoroughbred farm in Kentucky, Piper's dream is for her horse to win the prestigious Kentucky Derby. With the help of her best friend and trainer, Tucker Hale, she gains national attention but must grapple with the complications that arise when a journalist delves into her past as a transracial adoptee.


In an effort to win Piper's heart, Tucker formulates a plan to train Piper's horse to victory, hoping to prove himself to her, her parents, and his own self-doubts. Then a shocking scandal hits the media, implicating both Piper and her parents, and she and Tucker will have to survive the onslaught to find their way to the winner's circle--and each other.


"Readers are going to be delighted by this endearing and adorable romance."--Sarah Monzon, author of the Sewing in SoCal series on The Love Script

Amazon | Goodreads | Baker Book House

My Perspective

“If you’re always planning every step and coming up with contingency plans, are you really trusting in the Lord?”

A Run at Love is another winner from the amazingly talented Toni Shiloh. If this book were in the Kentucky Derby, it would beat out all the others just like Secretariat did years ago. Yep, it’s that good. Full of romance, kissing, faith, conviction (yes the Lord can convict you through your reading!), and so much more. Forgiveness, second chances, relatable characters, horses, sweet and funny goats, and bro texting (ummmm give me all the bro texting please!). Have I talked you into reading it yet?

I’m always a little hesitant about the friends to more romances. I just feel like sometimes they can be dry with little to no chemistry. That is NOT the case here thankfully. Shiloh brings Piper and Tuck together with playful banter, tough conversations, love, devotion, honesty, and oh that chemistry. Let’s just say the first kiss – yeah I was fanning. But there were also tears. Especially when Tuck bared his heart. Oh he was so sweet, and the way he talked about who Piper was on the inside as being important – yeah if I were her I probably would have fell to my knees.

Now, I don’t want to give any spoilers, but I did enjoy the secondary storyline for Piper’s parents. That’s all I can really say, except I enjoyed what Toni did with it. It shows they too were Christian, yet human. Prone to make mistakes. In fact that was a big takeaway/reminder from this story – Christian’s are not perfect. Not even close. We shouldn’t judge or assume things about others, and we certainly shouldn’t put them on a perfect pedestal.

But perhaps the biggest take away for me was what Tuck needed to learn as well. God’s plans are best. His timing is best. We can make all the plans we want, but if it doesn’t fall in line with what God wants, then there’s really no point. We’re wasting time and will end up frustrating if it doesn’t follow our plan to a T, which by the way it never does. Shiloh did a great job of showing Tuck’s emotions and thoughts as he struggled and tried to find his way around this concept.

Another bonus? We get a peek at what’s coming next in the series and let me tell you – I am here for it! I need Chris to get a gal. He’s so funny, and I think I would enjoy his story very much. Release day can’t come fast enough lol. But until then, make sure you get your hands on this book. Then carve out a good pocket of time to read. Derby hats not required, but they do make it more fun. 😉

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Favorite Quotes

As long as I draw breath in my body, you will never be alone.”

“I want to be there for you.” Tuck sighed. “I hope you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted. To be someone you can trust with everything. Even if you think it’ll make me uncomfortable. I don’t want comfort at the cost of yours.”

“People like those in the media? They’re only chasing after a story. All that matters is what God thinks. Not a single person on this side of heaven, including me and your folks, matter. You answer to God.”

“If you’re always planning every step and coming up with contingency plans, are you really trusting in the Lord?”

“Just because I don’t go around running off at the mouth or acting hotheaded doesn’t mean I don’t have my battles.”

“Just because we believe in Christ doesn’t mean we’re flawless – merely forgiven.”

“Then remember who’s betting on you – God. He calls you His and already knows the great plans He has for you, so you don’t need to dim your light for fear of making anyone else uncomfortable. Or because you’re uncomfortable with all eyes on you. All that matters is you walk in the joy and boldness that believing in Jesus and accepting Him as your Savior brings.”

About the Author

Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and an award-winning Christian contemporary romance author. She writes to bring God glory and to learn more about His goodness. Her novel, In Search of a Prince, won the first ever, Christy Amplify award. Her novels, Grace Restored, was a 2019 Holt Medallion finalist, Risking Love a 2020 Selah Award finalist, The Truth About Fame a 2021 Holt Medallion finalist, and The Price of Dreams a 2021 Maggie Award finalist.

A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and of the Virginia Chapter, Toni seeks to help readers find authors. She loves connecting with readers and authors alike via social media. You can learn more about her writing at http://www.tonishiloh.com.

What interests you about this story? Do you watch the Kentucky Derby?

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