Excuse the Mess :)

Posted by abakersp in Uncategorized / 14 Comments

Hello everyone! It’s been awhile. Thought I would give you a quick update on some things.

First, I’m still recovering from surgery. I had a hysterectomy on January 18th. It’s been a long road, that I won’t get into details about it, but it was a necessary surgery and I’m thankful I’m on the other side of it. But, it’s still hard for me to sit at a computer. I’ve got internal stitches, and I’ve got five incisions across my abdomen. So I can only sit for very short periods of time at the computer. I’m hoping this changes very soon, because I miss this! I miss you all! I miss blogging period.

I have read a TON of great books so far this year. I have updated Goodreads, so you can check me out there if you’re interested in my thoughts:)


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it looks a little different around here. I’ve switched hosts, got a new theme, but still have some things to work out. I actually decided to hire someone to help me with color scheme and such (they can do it so much better then me!), and it’s not ready yet. So it’s going to look a little bumpy. I had it in maintenance mode for a bit, but I have blog tour obligations to meet, so I am no longer able to do that.

Please excuse the mess.

Please don’t judge based on the way it looks right now ๐Ÿ˜‰

It will be changing soon, I promise!

I typically wouldn’t publish any changes until it was ready, but I had a limited time to change hosts and themes, and so I’m bringing you along for the ride! Stick in there for a little bit longer, and soon you’ll see new fonts, colors, and images. I cannot wait!

And one more thing…….

Do you listen to podcasts? Watch Booktube?

I’ve been toying with starting one or the other. I’m leaning towards podcast I think. But I am not quite settled on just having it about books. I love talking about my faith, and my life, and so I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate all that in it as well.

My heart isn’t settled, but I feel a prod. Like it’s something I need to do. Would you pray for me friends? And please, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and ideas. Please share in the comments!!

Okay, that’s all the updates I have for now. Time to go rest. Hope to be back here soon on a regular basis.

Love you all!


14 responses to “Excuse the Mess :)

  1. Kay Garrett

    Sorry to hear what all you have been going through, but so glad it is behind you. May you continue to heal and get better. Having been there quite some years ago, I know it can be difficult.

    As for me I’ve never listen to podcasts or watch Booktube. As I get older, I seem to get slower and I barely have time to get done what I’m doing now. They keep adding formats and ways to do things and I just can’t do any more. Like I said, I’m slower and my computer time is less because I have to get the day to day things done.

    • abakersp

      Thank you Kay!

      And I appreciate your feedback! I never started paying attention to them until recently. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • abakersp

      Hi Michelle and thank you!

      I’m using the TweakMe2 Theme by Nosegraze. Look them up. They are wonderful to work with ๐Ÿ™‚ And just wait until I have it totally finished. I am so excited.

  2. Patty

    I had the same surgery in 2019, it was scary going in, but Iโ€™m very glad I had it done. The doctor told me before hand that in six weeks youโ€™ll be back to normal, and it really was just about that amount of time before I felt normal.

    • abakersp

      That’s what they told me too. I cannot wait! Thanks for sharing. It’s nice to hear from others who have gone through the same things ๐Ÿ™‚