Some Like You Movie Review

Posted by abakersp in Reviews / Spotlights / 2 Comments

Once upon a time there was a woman who loved to read. At the time, her book collection was filled with a combination of secular books, and Amish Fiction books. For Christmas, her husband decided to go to the bookstore and find some book for his wife as a gift. He read the back of a few, and ended up buying some. Wife opens the gifts on Christmas morning, excited to read something different then she had. He was kind enough to buy the complete series. What was it? The Forever Faithful Series by Christian Fiction author Karen Kingsbury.

This series has a big place in my heart. It was the first Christian Fiction series I had read that wasn’t Amish Fiction. Back then I had no clue Christian Fiction was even a thing. I connected with the characters, and fell in love with Karen’s writing. I started collecting her books, and to this day I have most of them (just missing a couple). When I found out that Karen was starting her own movie production company I was so excited. I knew it meant the movies would not shy away from faith themes, and they would be close to the books (I know they can’t be exact of course, but at least they’d be close). The author responsible for opening my eyes to the Christian Fiction world, was going to bring stories to the screen. I’m always looking for more quality faith themed movies to watch! And so, I know I would be watching Someone Like You. I recommend you do the same!

About the Movie

Some Like You Movie ReviewSomeone Like You
Author Karen Kingsbury
Published by Karen Kingsbury Productions

Based on the popular novel by #1 NY Times Bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, Someone Like You is an achingly beautiful redemptive love story. Shocking
news hits after young architect Dawson Gage loses his best friend, London Quinn.

Now in his heartbreak, Dawson is compelled to launch an impossible search for London’s secret twin sister, twins separated as embryos. But along the way, Dawson never planned to fall in love.

My Perspective

What a great film about family, faith, and sacrifice. Viewers will go on an emotional roller coaster as the scenes play out. The actor that portrayed Dawson did a great job of showing his internal conflict on the screen. The script was well put together. It plays out almost like a Hallmark movie, which viewers will enjoy, but it’s more in depth. Real storylines, real emotions, and real connections. This was a wonderful movie that I would definitely watch again and again.

Many thanks to Karen Kingsbury Productions for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.


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