Hello my reader friends. Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is Debut Novels I Enjoyed. Let me just say this was super hard to narrow down. So I decided not to. There are probably hundreds of debut novels I have read over the years that I have enjoyed. I have to tell you – most of them didn’t feel like debut novels. They were so well written and just touched my heart. So here are just ten debut novels that grabbed my attention and made me start following the authors a little more closely (and most of them I now have all their novels!). Again, so many more I could have included. Rachel Scott McDaniel, Amanda Cox, Rachel Fordham and several others. Maybe I’ll do another post about them in the future. 🙂
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10 Debut Novels I Enjoyed

Things We Didn’t Say – I knew Amy because of her role in the publishing world, so I was super excited to read her debut novel. It was simply amazing. And I’ve collected her books ever since.
Waltz in the Wilderness – Well I am blessed to work with Kathleen, but that’s not why I love her debut. It was rich in history, character depth, and faith. And I’m happy to say I have all of her books on my shelf!
Cast the First Stone – Okay some may not call this a “debut” novel so to speak, but it is the first time these authors worked together so I’m counting it. I read this series all at once. It was so good, so attention grabbing. I wish they would collaborate again hint hint.
Living Lies – Natalie Walters took my breath away with her suspense debut. Man she is an AMAZING writer, and I am always anxiously awaiting her next release.
Counterfeit Love – What can I say about Crystal? She is amazingly talented. Never mind the fact that she included bank stuff in her historical novels (I was in banking for over 20 years!). It honestly wouldn’t matter. Her writing is top notch!
The Bookshop of Secrets – The cover alone made me want to pick up this book. I mean look at it! But trust me when I say the words inside far surpass how amazing the cover is. Mollie is a talented writer and I cannot wait to read more of her books!
Among the Poppies – I remember when J’nell was first publishing this book. A new author a little nervous about publishing her first book. I was fortunate enough to connect with her and get an early copy to read. It knocked my socks off. And now look at her!? She continues to amaze me with her writing.
Freedom Rings – Oh man. Heidi is definitely one of my favorite historical fiction authors. And I love her contemporary stuff too! But it was for sure her historical novels that really touched my heart, and continue to touch her heart. I own them all and can see myself reading and rereading them for years to come.
Up From Dust – If you’ve been following my blog or social media you already know my love for this book. Still my top 2024 read! Heather’s got another book coming and I am chomping at the bit to get my hands on it!
Secondary Target – Another suspenseful debut that had me sitting at the edge of my seat. I cannot say enough good things about Angela’s debut novel. I cannot wait to see what’s next!
So what about you? What debut novels have you enjoyed?

Great list! I have three of these books on my list, too! Great minds!!!
Gosh! I totally forgot that I too read J’Nell’s novel and enjoyed it. Also, I still have to read Amy’s books!! They seem like they’d be great novels. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.
I have two of these on my list today too! Great list. Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂