Genre: Historical

The Dreaming Beauty Review and Giveaway!

The Dreaming Beauty Review and Giveaway!

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for The Dreaming Beauty by Anneka R. Walker, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours! I’m a big fan of fairy tales and retellings, so I knew I had to sign up for this tour 🙂 About the Book My Perspective The Dreaming Beauty is an interesting retelling of Sleeping […]

Interview with Caryl McAdoo and a Giveaway!

Interview with Caryl McAdoo and a Giveaway!

Hello reader friends! I’m delighted to have Caryl McAdoo on the blog again today. She is such a delight to talk to! Please join me in welcoming her as part of the Celebrate Lit Book Tour for Coercion at the Cow Palance! About the Book Interview with Caryl Hi Caryl and welcome back! I’m so […]

Silencing the Siren Review and Giveaway!

Silencing the Siren Review and Giveaway!

Hello friends and welcome to the Celebrate Lit Blog Tour for Silencing the Siren by Denise L. Barela! I really cannot even tell you how excited I was to hear that Denise was publishing a book. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know her through Celebrate Lit, and she is such a phenomenal person. […]

Height in the Heartlands Giveaway!

Height in the Heartlands Giveaway!

Hello reading friends!! I’m so excited to share this book with you today. It’s amazing, a new release, and YOU have an opportunity to win a copy!!!! How awesome is that!? Before we get to that….quick update. Thank you all for your prayers. Patrick’s surgery went well. We see his doc tomorrow and find out […]

The Girls from the Beach Spotlight

The Girls from the Beach Spotlight

Welcome to the Book Blast for The Girls from the Beach hosted by HFVBT Blog Tours! I thought this story sounded so interesting that I was quick to offer to spotlight the book. I tend to read the same type of historical fiction novels, so when I see one that’s a little different, I’m instantly drawn […]