Category: Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday – Binge Worthy TV Shows

  Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today we are talking about tv shows that are binge worthy. I know what you are thinking – how in the heck do I have time to watch tv? Well, I do and I don’t. Now that we’re getting into […]

Top Ten Tuesday – A Throwback

    Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today we have a bit of freedom with our topic – throwing back to an old Top Ten Tuesday post. I haven’t been doing these for very long, so I looked at the 300+ list I had to […]

Top Ten Tuesday – All About DNF

  Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today’s topic is a little rough for me, so I’m tweaking it slightly. The topic is to make a list of books you did not finish, or DNF. I just hate to make that list, as I understand that […]

Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish Worlds I Would Love to Visit!

  Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today we are talking about bookish worlds that I would love to visit, even if just for a day. I have to tell you that there are so many books that I would love to just jump right in […]

Top Ten Tuesday – Books My Daughter Asked Me To Read

Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today I’m going a little bit off topic. I’m going to talk about some books that my daughter asked me to read that I was kind of hesitant about, but really ended up enjoying. I’ve mentioned some before here and […]

Top Ten Tuesday – Books featuring my favorite color!

  Happy Tuesday reader friends and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! We’re showcasing book covers again this week, but covers that have my favorite color in them. I love a lot of colors, but GREEN stands out above the rest. And it’s not necessarily one shade of green – I like several! […]