Genre: Fiction / Christian / Suspense

Cold Vengeance Book Review

Cold Vengeance Book Review

Suspense novels are my comfort genre. I know that probably sounds weird, but they are. I love getting lost in the mystery of it all, and trying to help catch the bad guy. I have been hooked on Nancy Mehl’s Ryland & St. Clair series since book one. I have them all in paperback on […]

Top Ten Tuesday – Debut Novels I Enjoyed

Top Ten Tuesday – Debut Novels I Enjoyed

Hello my reader friends. Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is Debut Novels I Enjoyed. Let me just say this was super hard to narrow down. So I decided not to. There are probably hundreds of debut novels I have read over the years that I have enjoyed. I have […]

Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Things I Love About The Garden Girls

Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Things I Love About The Garden Girls

Hello my reader friends. Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is Ten Things I Loved About [Insert Book Title Here]. I decided to share my love for The Garden Girls by Jessica Patch. Guys….this book was so good. This series is so good. Check out Goodreads to see my full […]

Must Read Monday – The Garden Girls

Must Read Monday – The Garden Girls

Welcome to Must Read Monday, where I share books that you must read! If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s already a thousand miles long, so what’s another book? 😝 Today I’m featuring a book that I am currently reading. It’s book three in the FBI: Strange Crimes Unit by Jessica R. Patch. This […]

Night Falls on Predicament Avenue Book Review

Night Falls on Predicament Avenue Book Review

On Friday, I shared the first line of this book. I mentioned how much the first line shows Jaime Jo’s talent, and it does. She makes you feel the store, and touches on all the senses. Guys, if you like a creepy, suspenseful, wonderfully written novel, then I highly recommend this one! About the Book […]

First Line Friday – Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

First Line Friday – Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Reading is my SuperPower! It’s time to grab the book you’re reading, and share the first line! Can you believe it’s been an entire year since I posted a FLF!? I got away from doing posts that required me to post on a consistent basis, other than reviews, […]