Genre: Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths

A Stranger’s Game Book Review

A Stranger’s Game Book Review

I had hoped to finish by second 24 in 24 book in January, but I was just past the mark. Oh well, lol. My goal was to not be stressed reading and so far I’m happy to say I haven’t been. But February is looking a little dicey (totally did that to myself lol). I […]

Jane and the Final Mystery Book Review

Jane and the Final Mystery Book Review

Jane Austen and mystery fans – get ready for a book that will surprise and delight you! I’m not sure why I didn’t start reading these books sooner, but now I want to go through and read them all (**sigh – if there was only enough time**). About the Book My Perspective How have I […]

Better Together by Mandi Blake Review

Better Together by Mandi Blake Review

Guys if you haven’t read a sweet romance novel by Mandi Blake, then you need to go to your nearest book store, or favorite online retailer, and take care of that right now. Seriously! She cannot write fast enough for me – and I say that part jokingly and part truthfully. I just devour her […]

Must Get Monday – All That Is Secret

Must Get Monday – All That Is Secret

Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to Must Get Monday, hosted by The Becca Files. Every Monday I’m going to feature a new book to add to your TBR piles. If your TBR pile is like mine, it’s already a thousand miles long, so what’s another book? 😝 Today I’m featuring a book that I am actually just starting […]

The Debutante’s Code Review and Giveaway

The Debutante’s Code Review and Giveaway

Welcome to the Read with Audra Blog Tour for The Debutante’s Code by Erica Vetsch! I have been wanting to read this book since I laid eyes on the cover months ago, and I was so happy to finally get the chance! And today you get the opportunity to win your own copy! If you […]