Hope’s Highest Mountain Review, Guest Post and Giveaway!

Posted by abakersp in Historical / 10 Comments

Welcome to the Celebrate Lit Blog Tour for Hope’s Highest Mountain by Misty Beller. I have been a fan of Misty’s for a long time. Her last series was SO good, and this new series seems to be just as good. I mean, a mountain man!? Hello!!

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Hope's Highest Mountain

Book: Hope’s Highest Mountain

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: October, 2019

When Ingrid Chastain agreed to accompany her father to deliver vaccines to a mining town in the Montana Territory, she never could have anticipated a terrible accident would leave her alone and badly injured in the wilderness. Rescue comes in the form of a mysterious mountain man who tends her injuries, but she’s hesitant to put her trust in this man who seems to have wounds of his own.

After tragedy struck his family, Micah Bradley left his work as a doctor and escaped to the wilds of Montana. But his self-imposed solitude is broken when he finds Ingrid in desperate need of medical attention, and he’s forced to call on his doctoring skills once again.

Micah can’t help but admire Ingrid’s tenacity despite the severity of her injuries, until he learns the crate she brought contains smallpox vaccines to help quell a nearby outbreak. With Ingrid dead set on delivering the medicine–with or without his help–he has no choice but to accompany her. As they set off through the treacherous, snow-covered Rocky Mountains against all odds, the journey ahead will change their lives more than they could have known.

Click here to get your copy!

Misty Beller is a master at telling stories set in the great outdoors. There may not be any wild animals yet in this series, but there’s an avalanche, broken ice, broken bones, and illnesses to wreak havoc in the lives of these characters. There is never a dull moment in this exciting journey, and I couldn’t help but feel as if I was back in Montana with Ingrid and Micah. Beller writes in such a way that you not only see your surroundings, but you can feel them too. When Ingrid was injured and riding along the bumpy trail, I could feel those bumps. When they were trying to get across the icy stream, I could feel the coldness of the ice underneath me. And when there were some kissing scenes, well my heart went pitter patter!

While I loved reading about Micah and Ingrid, I also enjoyed seeing the secondary characters in Joanna, Samuel and Handsome (the dog!). They didn’t really feel like secondary characters to me – they just felt like they had been there all along. I could see one trait through all the characters – strength. Micah was physically strong, Ingrid was strong in her faith, and Joanna was strong for her son. Having three different characters portray a similar trait in different ways is not something I see a lot of, but Beller did a beautiful job of displaying it.

Perhaps the character with the most growth, and the one I think a lot of people can identify with is Micah. His past haunted him pretty deeply. The problem was instead of clinging to God during his time of trouble, he almost seemed to blame God. And haven’t we all done that at one time or another in our lives if we’re honest? Maybe we don’t blame God per-say, but we question what God is doing in a particular situation. Beller’s ability to address this naturally, and poetically though Ingrid’s faith and testimony spoke straight to my heart. And that’s what I want from a lot of my Christian Fiction reads – a story that will inspire and encourage.

Once again Beller has brought readers a story that is dangerous, exciting, and full of emotion. Setting the tone for this new fantastic series, I can’t even imagine what is going to come next. I hope it’s a Joanna story!! I highly encourage you to read Hope’s Highest Mountain now so you’ll be ready for the next release!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

“He hadn’t been able to save Ella or Rachel, but maybe he could protect the people of Settler’s Fort. Though the journey would be grueling, he had to try.”

Live or die, God could take the lead.”

“But in truth, didn’t God handle every step? Every breath. Every moment they lived.”


After working for 13 years in the corporate world, Misty M. Beller (mistymbeller.com) is now the author of fourteen independently published Christian historical romance novels. Raised on a farm in South Carolina, she combines her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life by writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters. She lives outside Charlotte, North Carolina, is an active member of ACFW, and teaches regularly at conferences and writing groups on effective book marketing.

Remember Lassie? Old Yeller? Chance and Shadow from the movie Homeward Bound? There was something about these dogs that gripped my heartstrings and made me love them as though I’d known them for years. (And, yes, I cried during every one of these movies and books.)

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had real dogs I’ve loved too. As far back as I can remember, we’ve had at least one or two dogs, and each one has been my very best friend. They’ve suffered my undying love, even allowing me to dress them up like dolls during my younger years.

But the dogs in my stories have a special place in my heart. Handsome, the sweet little black fluffball in Hope’s Highest Mountain is no exception! He was the runt of the litter, and such a dark black that the story’s hero nicknamed him Shadow. You can see the picture that inspired Handsome at the book’s Pinterest page. Those eyes! Hard not to fall in love, right?

The more I wrote in the story, the more I enjoyed getting to know this little guy, and I could almost feel his soft puppy fur as he snuggled in close. I completely see why Ingrid (the heroine) is smitten him! As you read Hope’s Highest Mountain, I hope you love Handsome as much as I do. Please give him some extra petting for me! ?

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To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of Hope’s Highest Mountain, a $20 B&N gift card, and cute mountain cards!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


What book would you buy if you won this Barnes and Noble Gift card??

10 responses to “Hope’s Highest Mountain Review, Guest Post and Giveaway!

  1. Misty M. Beller

    So glad you enjoyed the book and hope your readers do, too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Debbie P

    I really enjoy historical fiction and this book sounds like a fantastic read.

  3. Melissa Wenger

    I love a book that can make me feel like I’m right there! Looking forward to reading it!

  4. Melissa Andres

    This book is so pretty! And I’ve heard the inside is just as good. I’m looking forward to reading it! I have absolutely no idea which book I’d buy if I won though. Lol I’d have to wait and see.

  5. Arletta

    I love Misty’s books. Thanks for your review.
    As to what book I would buy if I won the gift card? There are many on my list but Jenny B Jones’s latest ” Fanatically in Trouble” would be one.