Category: Bible Talk With Jessica

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 79

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 79

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Moses’ time is drawing to a close, and today we not only learn more great things from him, but we see the Lord choose Joshua and provide those words we can always have in our hearts – “I will be with you.” (Duet 31:23) Let’s get started! Scripture Reading […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 78

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 78

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! The talk continues!! Anyone else every wonder if Moses has to take water breaks while he was talking!? LOL Let’s get started! Scripture Reading for Today Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:1 Verse of the Day And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O LORD, […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 77

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 77

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Today we continue hearing from Moses in how the Israelites are to live and the rules they need to adhere to. Let’s get started! Scripture Reading for Today Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19 Verse of the Day Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 76

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 76

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Today we continue hearing from Moses in how the Israelites are to live and the rule they need to adhere to. Let’s get started! Scripture Reading for Today Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9 Verse of the Day When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 75

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 75

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Moses continues to talk today about not worshipping false idols, tithing, animals the Israelites can and cannot eat, and more. It’s all stuff he’s said before, but I think he wants to make sure the next generation hears it before Moses passes away. He wants to make sure the […]

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 74

Bible Talk With Jessica – Day 74

Welcome to Bible Talk with Jessica! Moses continues to speak with the Israelites today, and yes a lot of it is repetitive. But there’s nothing wrong with that. When the Lord puts something the bible multiple times, there is a reason for it. He wants us to pay close attention and learn from it. Let’s […]